Endless Embark: track list and release date

"Endless Embark" is the title of the five song upcoming release. It will be released in digital form through iTunes, Amazon and Spotify. Free download of the digital version will also be available through Bandcamp.

The release date is set for 2012-10-23.
And the track list are as follows:

1: Passively Stroked
2: Stagnant Seas
3: Geometry of Vacuum
4: Fractal Froth
5: The Whispering

As mentioned before these songs are mostly based on electronic sounds. The main theme for the songs is about movement and the potential of movement. And that standing still might in some ways actually be motion. No chance of being to explicit here I guess since it is a contradiction. This is of course only some of the things going through my head while writing the lyrics. Well, I hope you like it.

It will not solely be a digital release, it will also come in the form of a CD-R. Limited to 100 copies they are being created right now, below is a photo of how that work is coming along.