Hyperbolic release and final video!

Finally the cassette is out and the album is ready for your streaming pleasure. It is available on many different services but above is the Spotify embed. Will update under releases later today with all the links. Hope you enjoy! Also, the final video for the final track: Symmetry (Two).

Hardware Jam: 2019-06-09 (Reel to Reel Tape Loop)


Another entry for the Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/hardwarejams/

The guidelines in short this week was: ”This weekend I want to hear your single pattern jams.” I stuck with this in the sense that ZOIA is playing a single pattern, a nine note sequence simple and repeating. But it is recorded to a tape loop as sound on sound so in a sense this creates a loop hole (pun intended) and it get’s ever changing recording over itself. The tape machine output is fed through the Strymon effects. The Novation Circuit is playing a simple 16-step kick pattern with two kick sounds, here I only modulate the filter cutoff. The MicroBrute is stuck on one note and I change this note only with the pitch-bend. It gets processed by the Moogerfooger which is midi synced to the Circuit giving it some more rhythm with a square wave LFO.


One more saturday and one more video! Album droppping next week.

Rotational Tangle

Track 4 from Hyperbolic. Rotational Tangle. Only two weeks left until the release!