The history of...

The making of music is a engaging process of which I have partaken in for more than a decade now. The bands Aerial and The Giant's Dream, of which I have been, and still are a part of, have been the foundation in creating sounds for me. Although not a decade old yet, The Giant's Dream will celebrate this anniversary next year, is still very much a active duo! (In our own wonderful pace). But Aerial has I am sorry to say moved apart, quite physically. I hope we one day might rejoin and make sweet noise. I am currently engaged in a band called Daymare which has just recently finished a EP of five great songs. And here only the future holds the history of which I have no doubt will be great. Not saying commercially, who knows how those things work? But more importantly creatively.

But not looking ahead right now but back. I have released one self-recorded, self-produced album before under the alias of "Voice of...". This was called "The Way to Mountain Sun" and was released in 2010 as free download and CD-R in a homemade cardboard box. These songs and live recordings from two occasions, under one heading "Live#001" can be found here:
Two songs from the live recordings, "Termination of short-term" and "In Mammon's Hold" are songs that have been recorded properly since then and will be featured on my upcoming album "Burning Words". Since I already strayed from past tense too much I guess this will conclude the history at this time.

(photo by... not sure)

(photo by Sebastian Arnström)

(photo by Ellen Westlund)