Another thing with Animmog Z looped in GAUSS Field Looper (all hosted in AUM). This time I let the Animoog sounds rest on a foundation provided by Fugue Machine.
Another thing with Animmog Z looped in GAUSS Field Looper (all hosted in AUM). This time I let the Animoog sounds rest on a foundation provided by Fugue Machine.
The other day I downloaded Moog's new updated and improved version of Animoog. Animmog Z. Got me inspired to do a little recording.
One instance of Animoog Z is routed to three different bus sends inside of AUM. All of which has a separate instance of GAUSS (looping and overdubbing all the time) these in turns pass through different effects (AUFX:Dub, AUFX:Space and Eventide Rotary). I vary which bus send is receiving audio with the Midi Figther Twister midi mapped in AUM. This is also mapped to filters and panning on each bus send and the main channel for easy hands on control. Hope you enjoy!
I am happy to say that today is the release day for two cassette tapes I have been a part of! The first one is a compilation from Petite Victory Collective called ”Elements Vol. I” and the second with my project together with Daniel Palmberg called Un Programme that has a new release out on Do you dream of noise?
Elements Vol. I can be found at where you can listen or buy either digital version of a physical copy. The release from Un Programme can be ordered directly in physical format from Do you dream of noise? or digital at
Last week AEMC - One Minute Compositions Vol. 3 was released and my contribution was a track called "Color Index". For more releases from AEMC go to: and to join head over to the Facebook group.